-Untuk peringatan sendiri- Titipkan pesan kepadaku agar tidak aku lupa untuk sentiasa mengucapkan terima kasih kepada kalian..
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Friday, August 26, 2011
Pround To Be Malaysian!

Gambar famili member tengah pilih2 barang.
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Welcoming my 1000th Reader!
I absolutely have something for you , but what you have to do are:
1. Just take picture of my blog with 1000th pageview
2. Please send to my email : shad_oasis@yahoo.co.uk with your Address.
3. This search is ONLY for those who are stay in Malaysia. (Sorry foreign readers, I never mean to hurt you- Please keep on supporting me).
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
New Skin Care

Sample produk made from caviar, ada pelembab dan toner.

Ni plak sample produk sama jer tapi made from resberry
Semalam teman ibu gi Alamanda, dia nak beli Skin Food tu nyer night cream, last2 dia x beli I plak yang grab benda2 ni..
Ni lah bendanya tu.. Satu tu Scrub made from black sugar (???) satu tu mask biasa made from banana yogurt
I beli dua jenis semalam.. satu Scrub dan satu lagi musk biasa2 je. Scrub harga RM44 dan Musk tu RM28. Dah lama berenti pakai benda ni, so memang dh lama stop pakai. Nak raya2 ni kan, kena lah tempek jgk. bior nmpak berseri, gitu..
Alahai.. duit, duit.. kenapa lah senang sangat kau nak keluar? Kenapa tak nak dok dalam bank aku tu diam2..??Update:
Tadi malam ada lah pakai benda ni. Sental scrub kat muka sampai jadi halus gula dia tu. Pastu cuci and letak plak mask yang banana tu, ok jgk lah, sebab smpai sekrng ni dah kol 2ptg muka still lagi rasa fresh!
Saturday, August 20, 2011
Count On Me
Apa yang ingin saya kongsikan bukan lah sesuatu yang besar atau menarik sangat. Masih ingat lagi yang saya pernah begitu admiring my boy friend and lastly I got to know that he has a girlfriend? But Alhamdulillah, saya dapat terima ini dengan baik dan saya turut bergembira di atas 'kemajuan' kawan saya itu.
Kebelakangan ni kan, suka sangat dengar lagu Count On Me by Bruno Mars. 1st time saya dengar lirik macam balam2 gitu.. Tapi bila saya dengr lirik tu betul2 saya dapati lagu tu mmg ditujukan kepada kawan-kawan. Walaupun dia tidak lagi sebahagian daripada sumber inspirasi serta kekuatan saya, namun dia tetap kawan saya.
Bagi saya lagu tu lirik dia sweetttt.. sangat tau!
Tak percaya?Errrmm.. elok dengar sendiri lah ye..
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Renungan-Tazkirah Terawikh
Benar, ini adalah kerana di dalam perang Badar sendiri, Nabi s.a.w langsung tidak menjangka bahawa peperangan akan meletus di dalam bulan Ramadhan yang mulia, di mana ia pada mualnya hanya lah rancangan untuk merampas semula harta umat islam yang di jual oleh pihak musuh.
Sesungguhnya Allah maha mengetahui apa yang terbaik berbanding apa yang dipilih sendiri.
Alhamdulillah, saya mendapat satu petunjuk yang sangat berharga buat diri saya apabila saya menjadi sebahagian daripada sidang jemaah yang mendengar tazkirah itu tadi.
Sesungguhnya Allah Maha Mengetahui..
Sunday, August 14, 2011
Homemade Pizza

My New Digital Scale

An unboxed digital scale. I told you that it come in the small size.
So I took one Revlon Blusher and automatically I am could get RM38.90.
It come with the small size of scale, just like a size of ipad! But at the first sight I am truly disbelieve that it could hold till the max of 150kgs!
So if you want to catch up this promo, should go to the nearest guardian's stores before it finish the promo.p/s: the real price of the scale is RM69.90, so get items at the price of min RM40 and grab the scale for you.
Monday, August 1, 2011
Official Trip to Sibu, Sarawak.
Two of us reach Sibu at the evening 20th July at 5.55pm and it is already dark! Weather was good and peaceful.
Our program started at 21st July and at that night we were at Sibu's town hotel. The Cenury Inn located just a few meters from Sibu Night Market. At that night too, I was going around to pasar malam Sibu to get a few things that I want to be brought for friends and families.
This is how the inside rumah panjang is looks like.
Outside of rumah panjang (long house). Long house is the traditional house in Sabah and Sarawak. It consisting a few family live together. The head of rumah panjang called 'tuai rumah'.
Scenary out of rumah panjang.
Sunrise in the morning, outside of rumah panjang.
I love this one. Steamed green leaves call pucuk ubi mixed together with green chilies and shallot.
The chicken curry. They are so good in cooking the curry. It was cooked together with dried thin soy bean and potatoes.

- Rumah Panjang Jangit Ak Lanting especially for their tuai rumah, Encik Joanes Ak Jangit and Encik Richard. Thanks for the memorable experience and perfect treat for us.
- Pejabat Daerah Selangau , for Mr. D.O Encik Wan Akil for for the helps as inter-person for the bengkel.
- Sarawak branch, for Encik Franky, Encik Wito and Encik Nasir.
Finally I had My Macaroon
I bought it from KLCC Harrods and it cost me RM24.40 for 6 pieces. For me,it is expensive, but just for fullfill my hungry and starving desirement, so I just pay for it.
I took 6 pieces, 2 chocolate, 2 mocha 1 berry and 1 lemon. I would take all chocolate flavour if I knew that all 3 the rest is not very delicious.
Ok yeah. enjoy pics. One piece of it is about 50cents coin.